Summer Shakerato is a captivating cold coffee creation that combines rich flavors, aromatic orange zest, and the essence of fresh rosemary for a refreshing and unique experience that transports you to the vibrant landscapes of Sicily.

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Here is what you need


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Ice Cubes: 5 (150g)​
Caramel Syrup: 10ml​
Orange Zest: 1 piece​
Barista Almond Milk: 90ml ​
Freddo Intenso: 1 capsule​
Toppings: Fresh Rosemary Branch and Orange Zest​

Small Barista Recipe Glass (350ml)​


Small Barista Recipe Glass (350ml)​


Let's make it!

1.Into a small Barista Recipe Glass, place 3 ice cubes (of 30g each), add 10ml of Caramel Syrup, and then pour in 90ml of Barista Almond Milk.​
2.Cut a small piece of orange zest, rub it between your hands to release the aromas and add it to the glass.​
3.Extract 40ml of Freddo Intenso into a shaker, add 2 ice cubes (of 30g each), and shake vigorously for 10 seconds until the espresso is light and frothy.​
4.Pour the shaken espresso into the glass, directly over the other ingredients.​
5.Slap a branch of fresh rosemary to release the aromatics and place it over top of the drink along with another piece or orange zest to capture the essence of vibrant Sicily. ​

Recommended Items

Freddo Intenso Freddo Intenso Chart - Intensity
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
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  • 9
  • 10
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  • 14
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Each sleeve contains 10 coffee capsules

For orders above JD 25

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